William A.
This antenna has been a lifesaver for me! I use my sat phone a lot in my work vehicle so I ended up being in the market for an antenna and I found this one. It's not too expensive, I can swap it to a different vehicle if I need to, and I always get a very good, quality signal every time I use it.
John R.
Really enjoying this antenna it works great with my Iridium Extreme. Also I really like how easy it is to move between my vehicles, it really saved me the time and money of having to get more antennas.
George T.
This is a really nice antenna. Thanks to Apollo for recommending it I really love how I can move it between vehicles. I always get a strong signal to my 9555 while inside my car or work truck.
Roger A.
Love my Extreme sat phone and I love how well this works with it. The antenna is nice and rugged like my satellite phone is and it is great that I can just swap this between my three vehicles. Thanks as well for all of Apollo support's help; they really went above and beyond for me. Great service and awesome shipping time frame.
Jeremy F.
I grabbed one of these to test out and wow am I impressed! I intended on buying more but since I can just move it between vehicles I only ended up needing one. Installing it on a vehicle is very simple and it works great with my phone.
Michelle M.
I was in the market for an antenna for my vehicles and came across this one with some help. It has been perfect since I only ended up needing to buy one since I can just swap it out. I even use it on my boat every so often when needed. Thanks to Apollo's support staff for recommending it!!
Trinity J.
I've been using my antenna for a few weeks and it has been a fantastic experience. Installation was simple and the magnetic mount is very secure. The antenna delivers strong and reliable signal reception even on the move. It's a great and efficient solution for improving satellite communication.
Kevin F.
My antenna has been in use for a couple months now and it's impressive. The magnetic mount is strong and stable, installation is a breeze, and it boosts signal significantly. Ideal for on-the-go communications.
Robert C.
I've had my phone for a couple months now and realized that I needed some extra equipment for it to function properly inside my office and my vehicles. This antenna has been so helpful since there is no need for multiple antennas for multiple vehicles. I just swap this one out when I need to and it's so easy to do. Thanks to Apollo's support staff for recommending this antenna, they really know their stuff.